Wilson County Democratic Women Membership

To remain in good standing with our state-level organization, the Tennessee Federation of Democratic Women (TFDW), we collect & pay annual dues. We request a membership dues donation of $20 or a recurring $5 monthly donation; $5 of which go to the TFDW, the remaining stays with the Wilson County Democratic Women to help support our activities, initiatives & candidates.

Participation in our group will never be dependent on one's ability to pay dues; however, membership is dependent upon filling out our membership form

Thank you for your membership & support which helps us create a brighter future for our county and state!

Forms of Payment

  • ActBlue

  • Venmo -- @WilsonCoDemWomen

  • Cash

  • Checks -- made payable to Wilson County Democratic Women & sent to:

  • 102 Newby St., Lebanon, TN 37087